SPX FLOW斯必克流体公司是一家提供高度专业化和工程化解决方案的全球供应商,在35个国家拥有分支机构,业务遍及全球150多个国家。在我们服务的终端市场中,SPX FLOW斯必克流体公司创新性的解决方案为满足全球日益增长的需求发挥着关键作用。2014年,SPX FLOW公司全球总收入28亿美金,其中约30%来自新兴市场。SPX FLOW斯必克流体公司服务于食品饮料、能源电力和一般工业三大终端市场,广泛的产品线涵盖:泵、阀门、搅拌机、过滤器、干燥机、液压工具、均质机、分离机、板式换热器以及相关售后市场的备件和服务,为全球的食品饮料、油气、发电(包括核电和传统电厂)、化工处理、压缩空气以及采矿等领域提供支持。从终端市场角度来看,2014年SPX FLOW公司35%的收入来自食品饮料市场,34.7%的收入来自能源电力市场,30.3%的收入来自一般工业市场。SPX FLOW公司的核心优势在于丰富的产品类别、全球竞争力以及为各种流体工艺提供定制化工程方案的能力。在过去的几年中,SPX FLOW已经在这些市场中战略性地扩大规模,增加客户相关度,并且加强公司的全球竞争力。我们相信,将会有值得关注的有利于内生性增长的收购机会,帮助我们进一步扩大业务。
SPX FLOW关注一系列公司运营方面的原动力,包括创新、新产品研发、精益方法驱动的持续改进、供应链管理、新兴市场的拓展、信息技术基础设施的改进,以及组织架构的完善和人才的培养。与其他要素一起,这些举措旨在更好地把握住业务中的协同机会,最终推动业务增长、利润的提高以及现金流的增加。我们相信,凭借运营举措、现有市场的潜在商机以及涉足更广阔市场的潜力,SPX FLOW已经为长期发展做好了充分准备。
SPX FLOW斯必克流体旗下有三个汇报事业部:食品饮料、能源电力和一般工业。以下是对这三个事业部的产品和服务的概括性介绍。
SPX FLOW斯必克流体公司食品饮料事业部服务于一个规范化的全球性行业,客户需求高度工程化的交钥匙解决方案。此行业关键的需求增长源于:乳制品消费、新兴市场的扩大、提高可持续性和生产力的举措、客户的产品创新以及食品安全。该事业部的主要产品包括:混料机、干燥机、蒸发器、分离机、换热器以及往复泵和离心泵技术;核心品牌包括Anhydro、APV、 Bran+Luebbe、 e&e 、Gerstenberg Schroeder、Lightnin、 Seital 以及 Waukesha Cherry-Burrell。
SPX FLOW斯必克流体公司能源电力事业部主要服务于石油天然气行业的客户,同时涉及一些核电和其他传统电力行业。该事业部的大部分收入集中来源于现有油井的石油开采、生产和输送以及油气管道相关的领域。该事业部的发展原动力是因为人口增长和中产阶级增加而带来的对电力和能源的不断增长的需求。该事业部的主要产品包括:泵、阀门以及相关配件;核心品牌包括APV、 Bran+Luebbe、ClydeUnion Pumps、Copes-Vulcan、Dollinger Filtration、 Lightnin、 M&J Valve、Plenty以及 Vokes。
SPX FLOW斯必克流体公司一般工业事业部主要服务于化工、空气处理、采矿、制药、海事、造船、基建、汽车以及水处理等行业。该事业部关键的发展原动力与相关领域的宏观经济环境和增长密切相关。该事业部的主要产品有空气干燥机、过滤设备、搅拌机、泵、液压工具和换热器;核心品牌包括Airpel、APV、 Delair、 Deltech 、Hankison、Jemaco、Johnson Pump、Lightnin、Power Team以及 Stone。
斯必克流体公司(SPX FLOW, Inc.)于2015年5月从斯必克公司(SPX Corporation)拆分出来,从而使我们可以贯彻更“专注流体”的战略并继续发挥我们的优势。
SPX FLOW最初涉足流体相关业务源于对莱宁搅拌器(Lightnin)品牌的收购,它是1998年我们收购的通用信号公司(General Signal)中的一块业务。2001年,通过收购United Dominion Industries公司,SPX FLOW增加了另外三块流体相关的业务:Waukesha Cherry-Burrell 品牌的泵和阀门, Bran+Luebbe 品牌的计量泵以及 Dollinger品牌的过滤产品。这些知名的、高度工程化的产品线的整合,为之后流体业务的建立打下坚实基础。随后对包括Copes-Vulcan、M&J Valve、Hankison 和Johnson Pump在内的多项小型收购使SPX FLOW的产品线得以迅速扩充,并加强了公司内生性增长的格局。SPX FLOW在一个管理团队下整合这些业务,降低了成本,并通过精益理念推进运营效率的提升。此外,SPX FLOW开始以打包方案销售互补性产品来扩大在以下三个领域中与客户的关联度:
到2007年底,SPX FLOW公司流体相关业务的年收入已超过10亿美金。自那时起,SPX FLOW开始在致力于在全球选择性地重点拓展具有吸引力的终端市场。
2007年12月,SPX FLOW收购了APV —一家在乳品、食品、饮料、制药和保健行业全球领先的处理工艺自动化技术供应商。此次收购使SPX FLOW在地域上实现了极大的扩张,并且在食品饮料领域建立起一个全球性平台。在将APV整合进流体业务的几年间,一系列较小型收购(Gerstenberg Schroeder、Anhydro、Seital、Murdoch 和 e&e)把SPX FLOW的处理工艺延伸到其他独立的产品大类,比如黄油、油脂、粉末产品、咖啡和萃取物。今天,客户通常会寻求SPX FLOW来设计并建造一个高度综合性的乳品工厂。
2011年12月,SPX FLOW收购了克莱德联合泵业(ClydeUnion Pumps),进一步实现了地域扩张并在电力能源领域建立起一个全球性平台,包括一个售后服务中心的全球网络。克莱德联合泵业在泵送技术方面拥有超过140年的经验,品牌积淀深厚。它是由韦尔泵业(Weir Pumps,一家可以追溯到1871年的历史悠久的工程公司)和联合泵业(Union Pumps,之前隶属于Textron集团)两家公司组成。这些公司的联合给SPX FLOW带来了泵送领域最值得尊敬的产品、人才和品牌。
克莱德联合泵业的技术与SPX FLOW传统的能源电力产品正好互补。今天,SPX FLOW在能源电力行业的产品线包括:各类临界压力的泵、计量系统、定量泵、专用阀门、化学注入撬、过滤器以及空气干燥设备。
2013年底,SPX FLOW向一个新的运营架构转型,以三个全球终端市场为核心来规划业务战略。这个新的架构是SPX FLOW公司业务发展的下一步重要举措,它提高了SPX FLOW的运营效率,并且通过把SPX FLOW公司内的资源与客户和终端市场进行更密切的匹配来加强SPX FLOW对客户的关注度。同时,新的架构增强了公司未来业务增长的基础。
2014年,SPX FLOW斯必克流体事业部的利润提升到14.1%,增长了2.1%;2015年2月,SPX FLOW把长期的利润目标提升为14-16%。我们相信,我们已经处于一个强有力的位置,能够在运营中利用好我们的运营优势、成本缩减措施以及商业协作特色,并进一步促进业务增长,提升股东利益。
SPX FLOW is a global supplier of highly specialized, engineered solutions with operations in over 35 countries and sales in over 150 countries around the world. SPX FLOW's innovative solutions play a critical role in helping meet the rising global demand in the end markets we serve. Our total revenue in 2014 was $2.5 billion, with approximately 30 percent from sales into emerging markets.
SPX FLOW serves the food and beverage, power and energy and industrial markets. SPX FLOW's product portfolio of pumps, valves, mixers, filters, air dryers, hydraulic tools, homogenizers, separators and heat exchangers, along with the related aftermarket parts and services, supports global industries, including food and beverage, oil and gas, power generation (including nuclear and conventional), chemical processing, compressed air and mining. From an end market perspective, in 2014, 35 percent of our revenues were from sales into the food and beverage end markets, 35 percent were from sales into the power and energy end markets, and 30 percent were from sales into the industrial end markets. SPX FLOW's core strengths include product breadth, global capabilities and the ability to create custom-engineered solutions for diverse flow processes. Over the past several years, SPX FLOW has strategically expanded our scale, relevance to customers, and global capabilities in these markets. We believe there are attractive organic and acquisition opportunities to continue to expand our business.
SPX FLOW focuses on a number of operating initiatives, including innovation and new product development, continuous improvement driven by lean methodologies, supply chain management, expansion in emerging markets, information technology infrastructure improvement, and organizational and talent development. These initiatives are designed to, among other things, capture synergies within SPX FLOW's businesses to ultimately drive revenue, profit margin and cash flow growth. SPX FLOW believes our businesses are well-positioned for long-term growth based on our operating initiatives, the potential within the current markets served and the potential for expansion into additional markets.
SPX FLOW has developed a global, pure-play flow organization with a strong foundation on which to further grow our business. SPX FLOW's goal moving forward is to expand and strengthen our position as a global provider of flow control and process technology solutions. SPX FLOW's strategy is focused in two primary areas: driving sustainable, profitable growth and improving the efficiency of our global manufacturing operations and overall return profile of their business. The core initiatives supporting this strategy include the following:
Driving sustainable, profitable growth:
- Increase our aftermarket capabilities and expand our global service center footprint
- Leverage combined technology offerings
- Further develop global customer relationships
- Expand sales and distribution channels, including e-business solutions
- Continue to develop new products to enhance our customers’ production capabilities
- Expand into adjacent industries, product categories and geographies and selectively pursue acquisitions
Improving Operating Efficiency
- Maintain a disciplined approach to project selection
- Continuous operational improvement
- Expand our configured-to-order approach
- Optimize our global footprint through localization and rationalization
- Leverage global supplier relationships
A global leader in the food and beverage, power and energy, and industrial markets worldwide, SPX FLOW, Inc. helps customers improve the performance and profitability of their manufacturing operations and processes with solutions enriched by in-depth application expertise and a finely meshed customer service and spare parts network.
Key Markets
SPX FLOW, Inc. serves a wide range of industries, including food, dairy, beverage; biotechnology, pharmaceutical and personal care; HVAC; power generation, oil and gas; mining and minerals, marine, chemical and compressed air. From engineered components like pumps, valves, heat exchangers and dryers to complete packaged systems, our products feature uncompromising design and quality, while offering long service life, production efficiency and cost-effective performance.
Customer Focused
Recognizing our customers are under pressure to remain competitive, our solutions address key business drivers, such as cost control and productivity, waste and energy management and regulatory compliance. Emphasizing new product development and value engineering, SPX FLOW, Inc. ensures our customers are provided with solutions customized to their application and business needs.
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